Our story


Unrecorded weaves together style and sustainability. Timeless designs constructed with the future in mind.

Items you'll wear on repeat.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Adopting a strategy of limited production runs, creating a sense of exclusivity and desirability for the product while minimising overproduction and waste.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.


Gain insights into adopting a more sustainable approach to your personal style. Our tips cover everything from building a capsule wardrobe to caring for your clothes to extend their lifespan. Small changes in your fashion habits can make a significant impact on the environment.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Premium quality

Appreciate the enduring allure of timeless design. Our guide celebrates products and creations that stand the test of time, embodying elegance and sophistication while remaining relevant and cherished for generations.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Our partners take worker and environmental standards seriously, and typically exceed the industry standard. All the factories we work with are visited frequently by members of the team.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Adopting a strategy of limited production runs, creating a sense of exclusivity and desirability for the product while minimising overproduction and waste.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.


Gain insights into adopting a more sustainable approach to your personal style. Our tips cover everything from building a capsule wardrobe to caring for your clothes to extend their lifespan. Small changes in your fashion habits can make a significant impact on the environment.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Premium quality

Appreciate the enduring allure of timeless design. Our guide celebrates products and creations that stand the test of time, embodying elegance and sophistication while remaining relevant and cherished for generations.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 5 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.


Our partners take worker and environmental standards seriously, and typically exceed the industry standard. All the factories we work with are visited frequently by members of the team.

We’re transparent, proud of everybody we work with and everything we do.

Timeless designs constructed with the future in mind.

sustainable matterial ethically sourced sedex member